A picture lies more than a thousand words
Let's assume that this picture appears on the front page of the daily newspaper and below it is the headline [...]
Autofocus with face detection – blessing or curse?
Many modern cameras have built-in face detection and use it for autofocus. As soon as one or more faces [...]
The flood of digital images – and how to master it
Thirty years ago, anyone returning from vacation had, let's say, five exposed films in their luggage. That made 180 photos. [...]
Photography and Baking
In the run-up to Christmas, as is well known, there is a lot of baking: cookies, more cookies, stollen and [...]
Panacea “spot metering”?
Almost every fifth post in the relevant photography forums reads something like this: "My pictures are always too light / [...]
Selective focus and perception
Depth of field is one of those things. It's probably only through photography that we've really become aware that a [...]
Automatic White Balance
We all know the problem with the exposure metering. If the subject is predominantly bright, e.g. a white-painted house facade, [...]
On the state of hobby photography
Many people pursue photography as a hobby. That's good, because you document your life and your environment with photos. And [...]
Setting the aspect ratio in the camera – pros and cons
Every sensor has a certain aspect ratio. In SLR cameras it is usually 3:2 (based on the classic 35 mm [...]