Leading lines, sometimes also called guidelines, are those lines that are meant to lead the viewer’s eye into the picture and to the main object of the composition. Now, there are two types of photographers: some, for example our American colleague and photography course instructor Jim Zuckerman, who consider the concept of leading lines to be a very important aspect of image composition, and others who think it is gross nonsense.
The entire theory of leading lines – lines that allegedly lead the viewer’s eye to the so-called center of interest in the picture – is a fallacy.”
Andreas Feininger writes this in “Principles of Composition in Photography”, American Photography Book Pub. Co., page 19 (hardcover edition).
Phew! Strong stuff.
As is so often the case, everyone should decide for themselves on this question. But to say it right away: For once, really for once(!), I don’t agree with Feininger. But who am I to contradict the great Feininger? Nevertheless, I want to show you a few pictures which, in my view, illustrate the concept of the leading lines. And also one or two where it doesn’t work.
Definition of Leading Lines
The task of a leading line, in the opinion of “traditional photographers”, is to lead (or guide, as Feininger would say) the eye into the picture and to one or THE important picture element. The leading line therefore fails in its task if
- there is no real main object in the picture
- the (leading) line leads out of the picture.
Here is an example of point 1:
The road and especially the white central stripes do form wonderful lines leading into the picture from the lower left. But they have no real destination. They simply disappear into the distance. The mountains are simply not distinct enough to serve as the main object in the picture.
Here is an example of point 2:
The edge of the rape field forms a beautiful line. But it leads directly out of the picture at the upper right edge. This is anything but a leading line. It merely cuts the picture into an upper and a lower part.
And yet it works
After all the negative examples, finally the convincing example, from my point of view, that leading lines do exist (take that, Feininger!):
I feel that the fence and the path lead the eye very clearly to the castle, which is obviously the main subject of the picture.
My personal conclusion: if used correctly, lines in a picture can be quite eye-catching (and purposeful ;-) ).
I am curious about your opinions.
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