As professional stock photographers we are always on the look-out for new trends in photography (not that our own photographs are particularly trendy … ). For 2020 we found nothing really interesting. Ok, vibrant colors are becoming popular again, but that’s just a phenomenon that happens every few years. However, we where a bit astonished that Cinemagraphs were mentioned as a trend for 2020.

Cinemagraphs? What are Cinemagraphs?

Most of you probably know what Cinemagraphs are, but for those who don’t, here is a short explanation. Cinemagraphs are essentially still pictures with just some subtle motion somewhere in the frame. In the picture above just one of the blossoms moves slightly in the wind while all the other blossoms and the leaves don’t move at all which just wouldn’t happen in nature.

Cinemagraphs have been around since 2010 or 2011, so they are not really new. We’ve seen them on social media for quite a while. So why are they becoming trendy in 2020? Frankly, we have no idea.

What about you?

Do you like Cinemagraphs? Would you like to see more or have you already seen more than you can stand? Have you made them yourself? Do you even know how they are made?

We’d be very interested in your opinion. Please tell us your feelings about Cinemagraphs.