In the new year it is always important for stock photographers to be informed about the latest photo trends. After all, we want to sell photos in the future. That’s why the big photo agencies inform their photographers in blogs and other publications about what they expect from the latest developments in photography. One of the trends for 2020 particularly impressed us and we asked ourselves: can we do that?

Authentic photography

On the website we read

Authentic photography has been trending for the better part of this decade, but 2020 may go beyond just rethinking the usual corny stock photography. In fact, the trend for authentic images may go so far that professional photographers work to make their images look like “bad” smartphone snapshots that anyone could have taken.

Well, if that’s not exciting. So professional photographers tweak their photos to make them look like bad mobile phone snapshots. Apart from the question why you don’t just use an antiquated mobile phone with a primitive camera for the photos, the example photo on the website makes you wonder why weird colors and dubious compositions now necessarily convey authenticity. The photos at least from our mobile phones look much better. But no matter, for the intended bad smartphone look you just have to edit your pictures a little. And of course we wanted to try that for ourselves.

Yes, we can!

Sure we can, it’s not really that difficult. We just rummaged through our archive and trimmed a few pictures to “bad smartphone snapshot”. Here they are:

Grainy photo of a "Bratwurst" (Sausage) being dipped into some mustard
Grainy photo of a lamppost


We are very excited about this trend. It will bring new life to many mediocre pictures in our archive. If only we hadn’t sorted out so many photos! Well, we can produce new ones. If only it wasn’t for the post-production. But maybe we’ll just make a Lightroom Preset: Bad Smartphone Snapshot. One mouse click and there’s your trendy pic. Who would have thought that?